Most Influential Ad Types Among Hispanic Shoppers, July 2014 [CHART]

Social networking has distinctive appeal as an online activity US Hispanics can pursue in whatever language (or languages) they please. A May 2014 survey of bicultural US Hispanics by marketing consultancy Latinum Network found 33% identifying English as their language of choice when posting on social media, while 27% used Spanish and 40% used the two equally. But preference varied with the situation, as Latinum noted in its analysis of the findings: “Wanting to make sure their family will see it and read it? Spanish. Want to share something with classmates or co-workers? English.”

Since many US Hispanics use Spanish on social media, it stands to reason they like to see advertisers do likewise. The Facebook/Ipsos study found this true of advertising on that network, “with 80% of US Hispanics on average preferring ads to incorporate Spanish messaging.”

More broadly, US Hispanics are open to interacting with brands via social networks. When Hispanic digital shoppers were asked by Adroit Digital in July 2014 to identify kinds of advertising that influence their purchasing, social ads scored strongly, cited by 42%. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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