Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 48

Worst Cases
- Ann Coulter HateFest: Ding Dong! The Witch is back!
- Ogilvy India Mocks Shooting of Malala to sell mattresses
- Subservient Chicken fails to fly
- Michael Sam’s Reality Show – Really?!
- Weather Channel Heats Up on Twitter
- Supreme Court Rules Oracle Can Own APIs
Best Cases
- Slacktivism: Websites Give FCC a Slow Lane in Net Neutrality Protest
- Ultimate Dogecoin Competition—the Lunar Iditarod Micro Moon Rover Competition
- A1 Steak Sauce Announces “Life Event” on Facebook
- Smokey Bear turns 70 via Social Media
Smokey Bear PSA
Shiny New Stuff
- Google Glass Keyboard App Lets You Type With Your Head
- Pinterest Tests Q&A Feature
- Twitter Adds Mute Option
The Daily Numbers
Internet of Things Will Mushroom by 2020
David Erickson
B.L. Ochman
- Google Plus
- Maximum-Plus Workshops for Google Plus Success
- What’s Next Blog
- YouTube
The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.