During the fifth Google Hangout episode of Beyond Social Media, Albert Maruggi, B.L. Ochman and I discuss the viral video that shows mishandling of food at a Florida Golden Corral restaurant; Trupanion’s annoying Facebook likegating campaign; Adecco’s stolen Around the World In 80 Jobs contest; Samsung & Nokia’s ads mocking the iPhone; social media & citizen journalism during the San Francisco plane crash; the first arrest captured by Google Glass; BrewDog’s crowdsourced beer; a Cleveland Browns fan’s parting shot…from the grave; Honda’s clever car ad; along with some Shiny New Stuff and Daily Numbers.
Found at YouTube from Beyond Social Media Show.

Show Links
When Things Go Wrong
- Golden Corral Restaurant Employee Posts Video Of Improper Food Handling
- Trupanion’s Facebook Likegating Contest
- Adecco Rips Off Blogger’s Intellectual Property, Pays Dearly
- Samsung Galaxy S2 Ad
- Nokia Don’t Flash. Amaze. Ad
When It’s Done Right
- SFO crash: Twitter & TV Show What They Can Do When News Breaks
- First Arrest Caught On Google Glass
- BrewDog Crowdsourced Beer
- Dead Cleveland Browns Fan’s Parting Shot
- Honda’s Hands Ad
Shiny New Things
- Google Databoard
- Google Docs’ Editey Code Editor
- Glasses.com Virtual Fitting Room iPad App
- 3D Printed Casts
The Daily Numbers
- Journalists’ Personal Use Of Social Media Worldwide, 2013 [CHART]
- Journalists’ Trust In Various Sources, 2013 [CHART]
Show Playlist
The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.