A recent media outlook from PwC predicated that podcast advertising will see strong growth through the year 2023 to reach $1.4 billion.
As podcasts become more of a focus for advertisers, who is the average listener?
Per Nielsen’s data (download it here) on past-30 day podcast listeners, the average adult podcast listener is 39 years old and is wealthier than the average American, with a household income of $96.5K.
They are also more likely to be male (57% versus 43% female) and white (67%). It’s worth noting that this data is taken from research conducted more than a year ago.
Yet despite podcasts’ reach growing during that timeframe, it’s unlikely that the core demographic make-up of listeners has changed too drastically.
Some 9 in 10 podcast listeners also tune in to the radio weekly. However, Country doesn’t fit into their top 3 formats – instead, that top spot goes to Pop Contemporary Hits.
While podcasts are still a small market, research does indicate that it will continue to grow rapidly and that listeners are typically from higher-earning groups, so watch this space.
And as for Smart Speakers, ownership of which is also growing strongly, Nielsen also shows that households with a Smart Speaker have an annual income in the six figures ($109,500). Read the rest at Marketing Charts.
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