According to an August 2018 Social Lens survey, 70% of US internet users have ever used a voice command on any device, though that figure drops to one-third for those who use them as part of their daily routine. Privacy concerns (55%) was the leading reason users haven’t used voice commands more, while 36% are hesitant because the results are often inaccurate.
The inaccuracy problem varies by device, though. According to the respondents, smart speakers understand a request 82% of the time. Smart TVs, game consoles and smartphones were said to get a request right roughly three-fourths of the time, while users had disappointing results with tablets more often.
The leading ways consumers used voice commands were getting directions (63%), making a phone call (60%) and listening to music (56%). Broader commerce queries were more common than discrete shopping tasks, since there is higher a likelihood of being misunderstood with more specific questions. Commands like finding a nearby store (40%) and getting store hours (32%) were conducted more frequently than finding a new product (25%), comparing prices (16%) or purchasing a new product (10%). Interestingly, re-purchasing a product, an action that would seem to lend itself to voice commerce, had the lowest usage (8%). Read the rest at eMarketer.
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