Changes In Ad Spending By Medium [CHART]

Chart - Changes In Ad Spending By Medium

US ad spending increased by 3.5% year-over-year in the second quarter of the year to reach $35.8 billion, dragging first-half expenditures up by 2% to $68.9 billion, per the latest figures from Kantar Media. TV’s 6.4% bump in spending buoyed the overall totals, with TV’s increase partly a result of NCAA Final Four basketball games being counted in the Q2 rather than Q1 figures. The researchers also note that the year-over-year gain is exaggerated by dampened spend in Q2 2012 as advertisers pulled back in advance of the Summer Olympics.

The total spending figures may actually underestimate growth, as Kantar’s online spending estimates only include display advertising, which the report says increased by 4.1% for the quarter. (Given the recent growth trajectory of online ad spending, it’s more likely that online ad spending growth was somewhere in the double digits.) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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