Ads Ignored By Podcast Listeners [CHART]

Chart: Ads Ignored By Podcast Listeners

In the past two years, US podcast advertising revenues have more than doubled, with spend expected to reach an estimated $678.7 million in 2019.

One reason why advertisers might be keen to put more of their budget into the medium can be found in a survey by Westwood One: podcast ads are less likely to be skipped by listeners than other ad formats.

Based on a sample of more than 1,400 monthly adult podcast listeners, only one-fifth (20%) say they actively avoid podcast ads through means such as skipping, blocking or turning out.

This compares favorably with other ad formats such as online pop-ups (44%), email (33%) and TV (23%).

These findings are not too surprising considering an earlier study from Westwood One, which found that listeners are growing more receptive to podcast ads, with respondents considering 4 ads per a 60-minute podcast to be appropriate.

Even more interesting was that this same study found that just more than half (53%) of respondents said they liked most of the ads they hear on podcasts. Read the rest at Marketing Charts.

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