Most-Hated Types Of Ads [CHART]

Most Hated Types of Ads [CHART]

American adults are almost twice as likely to dislike (61%) as to like (34%) advertising, per recent research from YouGov. So which types of ads get the blood boiling the most? HubSpot has some answers, based on a survey conducted among more than 1,000 online browsers in the US, UK, Germany and France.

Online pop-ups take the dubious distinction of being the most widely disliked form of advertising, with 73% of respondents reporting disliking these. In fact, about 9 in 10 online browsers separately agreed that certain ads, like pop-ups or ads where they have to click “X” to remove, are really frustrating to deal with.

Right below pop-ups are mobile phone ads, which are disliked by 7 in 10 respondents. That attitude is supported by research from Nielsen, in which 2 in 3 connected device owners said that they find mobile ads annoying. Read the rest at

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