B2B Marketing Budget Allocations In 2015 [CHART]

B2B Marketing Budget Allocations In 2015 [CHART]

B2B marketers will average an increase of 6% in their budgets this year, with 51% expecting budget increases as opposed to just 8% seeing decreases on the horizon, according to a Forrester Research survey of 132 North American B2B senior marketers. In-person trade shows, conferences and events will occupy the largest estimated share of their budgets, at 14%, followed by digital advertising and marketing (10%), content marketing (9%), websites (9%) and direct marketing (9%). But while there will be little change in event budgets (with 18% forecasting an increase versus 19% a decrease), digital advertising/marketing (48% increasing versus 4% decreasing) and content marketing (45% increasing versus 3% decreasing) are set for considerable spending hikes. Source: Forrester Research, Inc. 2015

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