B2B Spending Plans For Demand Generation Channels, September 2014 [TABLE]

B2B Spending Plans For Demand Generation Channels, September 2014 [TABLE]

Demand generation is set to see more money in 2015, based on September 2014 research by Research Now for Software Advice. Fully 41% of US B2B marketing professionals planned to increase spending on demand generation next year, compared with 17% who said they’d decrease investments.

Where’s that money going? Search and social were the top areas of focus. Fully 41.7% said they would spend somewhat or much more on search engine advertising. Search engine optimization came in a close second, at 38.3%, followed by social media advertising (37.5%). Meanwhile, third-party lead originators should see the least dollars in 2015 as respondents focus on working across teams within the company.  Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
