Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 49

Worst Cases
- Internet of Jerks: Googler Scott Jensen aka #iamgoogle
- McDonald’s scary new Happy Meal “ambassador” spurs Twitter storm
- eBay’s underwhelming response to data breach
- Joke’s on former NBA player Ron Harper
Worst Cases Multimedia
#IAmGoogle Tweets
McDonald’s #HappyMeal Tweet
Say hello to our newest friend, Happy! #HappyMeal
— McDonald's (@McDonalds) May 19, 2014
Ron Harper Defends Himself Against Onion Article
Whoever told them that story on @OnionSports didn't tell the truth!!!! & I don't do stop & shop stores….THANKS
— Ron Harper (@HARPER04_5) May 23, 2014
@candacesmith007 @OnionSports yes I saw that BS @OnionSports @OnionSports whoever wrote that story never talk 2 the real ron harper! !!!!
— Ron Harper (@HARPER04_5) May 23, 2014
Best Cases
- Hero Cat’s YouTube fame nets baseball pitch & yoga pants
- AMC Debuts “Halt & Catch Fire” on Tumblr
- Lance Armstrong finds his sense of humor
- St Paul MN auto repair shop’s great small business marketing
- Pantene’s Curly Hair Coup
Best Cases Multimedia
Halt & Catch Fire Trailer
My Hero Cat
Lance Armstrong Cards Against Humanity Tweet
Just another night of playing Cards Against Humanity…
— Lance Armstrong (@lancearmstrong) May 18, 2014
Shiny New Stuff
- analyzes any website
- lets you create your own online school
- Nielsen’s Twitter TV Ratings Now Identify The Age And Gender Of Those Tweeting About TV (Or Just Lurking)
The Daily Numbers
(Research) Time spent online by device and content category
David Erickson
B.L. Ochman
- Google Plus
- Maximum-Plus Workshops for Google Plus Success
- What’s Next Blog
- YouTube
The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.