SMBs' Perceived ROI Of Traditional Media Advertising, January 2014 [CHART]

Chart - SMBs' Perceived ROI Of Traditional Media Advertising

Newspapers (32.2%) and direct mail (31.7%) are the traditional media most commonly used by SMBs for advertising and promotion, per results from a recent BIA/Kelsey survey, with close to one-third of respondents claiming to be using these channels to promote their businesses. Interestingly, though, the traditional media that are being employed by the fewest SMBs have the highest perceived ROI among their users.

First among those is TV – used by 13.7% of respondents. Among those, exactly half rated their ROI as “excellent” (10-19 times spend; 29.5%) or “extraordinary” (20+ times spend; 20.5%). (A study released last year by Vocus found TV to be rated as the most effective advertising channel by SMBs.)

According to the BIA/Kelsey survey respondents, cable was next, providing excellent or extraordinary ROI to 44.2% of its users, who represented 13.9% of the survey sample. Coming in third was outdoor advertising; the least-used channel in the survey, employed by 12.9% of the respondents, it was rated as providing a significant ROI by 41.1% of its users. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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