US Broadcast-TV Only Households By Race [CHART]

Chart - US Broadcast-TV Only Households By Race

Hispanics also increased their use of broadcast-only services, with one-quarter of these households relying exclusively on over-the-air broadcasting. That was a much smaller bump, though, since in 2010 already 23% of Hispanic households with TV relied on broadcast TV programming only. And in the other direction, the study found that among Hispanic households where primarily Spanish was spoken, the percentage that subscribed to pay TV declined from 67% in 2010 to 49% in 2013.

Interestingly, Asian households followed the opposite trajectory, with the number with broadcast-only TV declining substantially, as more seem to have adopted pay TV. In 2010, three out of 10 Asian households with TVs were broadcast-only, but by 2013, that figure had decreased to 23%, putting Asian households on par with Hispanic and black households in the percentage that chose free over-the-air TV. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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