Mobile Shopper Activities By Device Type, January 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Mobile Shopper Activities By Device Type

Tablet owners are more than twice as likely to use their device for shopping as smartphone owners (44% vs. 20%), according to new survey results from Adobe. Notably, among these groups, tablet shoppers are twice as likely as smartphone shoppers to purchase products on their devices (55% vs. 28%). That means that overall, 24.2% of tablet owners surveyed said they purchase products on their devices, compared to just 5.6% of smartphone owners.

In fact, tablet shoppers are more likely to purchase products on their devices (55%) than they are to perform a range of other shopping-related activities, including comparing products (52%), reading product reviews (51%), and researching or reviewing products (50%). Of 10 shopping activities identified, purchases ranked 3rd in popularity behind browsing products (68%) and comparing prices (57%). Among smartphone shoppers, product purchases fall further down the list, 7th in incidence behind other activities including researching or reviewing products and searching for coupons or deals. Read the rest at MarketingCharts

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