Smart Phone Ads That Prompt Action, August 2014 [CHART]

Smart Phone Ads That Prompt Action, August 2014 [CHART]

Mobile device owners are developing more favorable attitudes to mobile ads, detail xAd and Telmetrics in a new report, with almost half agreeing that they are informative/helpful, more than double the proportion feeling that way last year. And while many find the ads annoying/intrusive (56%), that figure is down from 63% last year. US tablet and smartphone owners surveyed for the report were also asked which types of smartphone ads they’d be most likely to click on and which would be most likely to lead them to action. The responses centered around two familiar themes: discounts; and relevance.

For respondents in the 18-24, 25-34, 35-44 and 45-54 age brackets, the type of ad most likely to lead to action is one that offers a coupon or promotion. That type of ad is also the one that the greatest share believe they are most likely to click on. The appeal of discounts and coupons was also found in a study of mobile offer types conducted late last year by Responsys, in which consumers who subscribed to mobile marketing from brands said that pricing-based offers were the most likely to sway them, with 66% saying they would likely trigger an action. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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