US Population By Race Or Ethnic Group As Of July 1, 2012 [TABLE]

Table - US Population By Race Or Ethnic Group

Contrary to perception in some parts, Hispanics were not the fastest-growing race or ethnic group in the US last year, according to recent data from the US Census Bureau. Instead that distinction belonged to Asian-Americans, whose population grew by 2.9% year-over-year to reach 18.9 million. Hispanics remained easily the largest non-white race or ethnic group in the US, growing by 2.2% to total just over 53 million, or about 17% of the total population.

Interestingly, Asians and Hispanics have very different population growth drivers. While more than 60% of the Asian population’s growth came from international migration, 76% of the Hispanic population growth was the result of natural increase (births minus deaths). As noted by the Census Bureau last year, Hispanics are the youngest of the major races and ethnicities, with 40% under the age of 21 in 2011. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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