Radio Advertising Revenue, 2006-2017 [CHART]

Chart - Radio Advertising Revenue

Radio revenues will continue to shift in the next 5 years, as income from online advertising grows by about 10.8% annually versus 2.5% growth for over-the-air (OTA) revenues, forecasts BIA/Kelsey in a new report. Nevertheless, OTA revenues will continue to account for the vast majority (~95%) of radio revenues in 2017, when total revenues are predicted to reach $17 billion. That represents somewhat of a more muted forecast than offered by the researchers last year, when BIA/Kelsey projected total industry revenue to reach $17 billion by 2015.

That forecast also saw total revenues increasing to almost $17.8 billion in 2016.

According to the latest report, OTA revenues climbed by about 1.5% to $14.3 billion last year, with growth muted by competition in local media and economic difficulties. This year, that figure should grow by about 2.8% to $14.7 billion.

While online radio revenues grew to $491 million last year, they should continue to increase at double-digit rates, reaching $818 million in 2017. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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