American Preferences For Ad-Supported Internet Content By Select Demographics, November 2012 [CHART]

Chart - American Preferences For Ad-Supported Internet Content By Select Demographics

At 27%, just over one-quarter of 18-64-year-old online Americans would be willing to pay a reasonable fee to watch completely advertising and commercial-free online content, according to Ipsos online survey results released November 2012. Compared to the global figure of 33%, that makes Americans more accepting of ad-supported internet content.

American men are far more willing to pay for ad-free online content than are women (32% vs. 22%). And, younger Americans would be more willing to pay a premium to remove online ads than older Americans. Specifically, 36% of internet users under 35 report being willing to hypothetically pay such a premium, a percentage that dips to 24% for the 35-49 bracket, and just 19% for those aged 50-64. Likely, generations raised with ad-supported television are accustomed to no-cost media with commercials. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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