Agency & Clients' Attitudes Toward Briefing & Approval Process, February 2015 [CHART]

Agency & Clients' Attitudes Toward Briefing & Approval Process, February 2015 [CHART]

76% of agency professionals felt their role in the clients’ business strategy was important, while 65% of client-side marketers thought the same. Further evidence of this rift: 90% of agency professionals agreed that the agency “plays an important role in driving business results,” vs. 74% of client-side marketers.

On the other side of the coin, when the client-side marketers were asked if they provide “clear assignment briefings” to the agencies, 18% strongly agreed and 40% agreed. None of the agency professionals strongly agreed, and only 27% simply agreed, with 43% disagreeing.

Going forward, ANA suggested that increased communication over client briefs could improve the process and potentially better the relationship between clients and agencies. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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