Factors Influencing Decision To Go See A Movie, November 2014 [CHART]

Factors Influencing Decision To Go See A Movie, November 2014 [CHART]

After a year-over-year theatrical box office decline in summer 2014, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) took a look at the trend in a November 2014 study.

When asked about what would influence them to go to the theater, US adults were most motivated by recommendations from friends, cited by 35%.

Advertising and professional reviews each garnered about one-quarter of respondents. An upgraded theater experience—often provided by a new theater—and social network recommendations had little influence.

US cinema ad spending is low compared with other media. Pivotal Research Group estimated in December 2014 that US cinema ad spending would total $720 million this year, accounting for just 1.0% of total national ad spending—a share that would hold steady through 2019. However, small gains were still expected: 4.1% in 2015, 5.3% in 2016 and 5.5% from 2017 to 2019, when spending was forecast to reach $890 million. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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