Top-Rated Radio Dayparts, February 2014 [CHART]

Chart - Top-Rated Radio Dayparts

Some 92% of Americans aged 12 and older listen to the radio for 5 minutes or more during an average week between the hours of 6AM and midnight, says Nielsen in a new study entitled State of the Media: Audio Today 2014. Radio’s reach is consistent among demographics and genders, lowest among women aged 65 and older (84%), and highest among men aged 45-54 (95%). There are some interesting age-related differences when looking radio listening behavior during the day.

Overall, mid-day (10AM-3PM) is the highest-rated day-part during the workweek, with 12.6% of Americans aged 12 and up tuning in to the radio in an average 15-minute period during those hours. Among 18-34-year-olds, though, the afternoon drive hours of 3-7PM garner the highest ratings (11.2%), slightly ahead of the mid-day hours. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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