American Tablet Adoption By Demographic As Of January 2014 [CHART]

Chart - American Tablet Adoption By Demographic As Of January 2014

44% of US online consumers owned tablets as of December 2013, up 6 points from a year earlier, according to new Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) estimates. For its part, the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project says that 42% of US adults now own a tablet, citing results from a survey [PDF] conducted early this month. That represents an 8-point increase from 34% of adults just 4 months ago. The Pew study takes a closer look at the demographics of tablet owners.

There are statistically significant differences in ownership when sorting by age group, education level, and household income.

The 30-49 age group continues to have the highest adoption rate – of 52% – although the 18-29 demo has closed the gap by virtue of its 48% penetration rate. Both were up significantly from Pew’s last update for September 2013, when the figures were 44% and 37%, respectively. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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