Advertising Efficacy By Media, April 2013 [TABLE]

Table - Advertising Efficacy By Media

An online survey of 5,000 US adults, conducted by Nielsen on behalf of the Newspaper Association of America (NAA), reveals that respondents rate newspapers (in print and on the internet) as the most effective advertising source among various media. The study measured advertising effectiveness across various metrics, with print newspapers coming out on top overall, ahead of radio, internet, and TV. Breaking the media types down into different segments, the local paper topped the ratings for likelihood to purchase and propensity to notice ads.

The results – which put TV at the bottom of the list for overall advertising engagement and effectiveness – are interesting in that they contrast with numerous previous surveys which show TV to be the most influential advertising medium. Typically, newspapers tend to be seen as more effective by older consumers – however the NAA study doesn’t provide demographic data in its methodology. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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