Across US age groups, social media usage is common ground, but that commonality masks many differences in usage.
New research sheds some light on the reasons US consumers in different generations use social media and how they feel about these platforms.
According to Adobe Advertising Cloud and Advanis’ August 2019 “Voice of the Generations” report, just 33% of Baby Boomers surveyed in July agreed that “there is a place for companies interacting with individual people on social networks, forums and/or messaging sites.” The figure rose to 49% among Gen Xers, 63% among Millennials and 69% among Gen Zers.
Boomers’ wariness about interacting with brands on social media likely reflects a general unease about digital privacy.
The survey found that 43% of Boomers endorsed the statement, “I worry about how my data is used all the time.” Just 14% of Gen Zers and 20% of Millennials said the same, as did 31% of Gen Xers. Read the rest at eMarketer.
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