Ad spend on over-the-top (OTT) streaming video will increase 20% this year to $2.6 billion, according to a Winterberry Group study of US ad spend data. Despite OTT’s surge, it’s still small compared with the $69.2 billion that Winterberry Group estimates US advertisers will spend on linear TV. For some advertisers, measurement challenges prevent them from investing more in OTT.
TV industry professionals considered traditional TV measurements to be more valuable than OTT, according to August 2018 polling by SpotX and Kagan. However, four in 10 respondents valued them equally.
While it’s simpler to scale TV campaigns than OTT campaigns, OTT has some advantages over traditional mediums.
In a 2018 poll by Advertiser Perceptions, a majority of US advertisers said that precise targeting is a leading benefit of OTT advertising; 39% cited detailed measurement. Read the rest at eMarketer.
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