Cross-Device Shopping Journey Changes [CHART]

Chart: Cross-Device Shopping Journey Changes

US retailers are prioritizing Google Shopping ads over text ads, according to the 2018 Google Shopping Benchmarks Report from Sidecar. Based on an analysis of more than 300 US retailers’ activity in 2017, the report notes that ad spending across Google’s search network grew by 20%, with much greater increases for Google Shopping ads (34%) than for text ads (2%).

Traditionally, data has suggested that consumers research on mobile but convert on desktop. Recent research indicates that this might be changing, though: a Monetate study, for example, found that multi-device shoppers don’t necessarily gravitate to desktops to complete their purchases, as mobiles and desktops performed equally in conversions: when each device was used as the first-touch in a multi-device shopping journey, it ended up with the purchase 54% of the time.

This latest research from Sidecar not only supports mobile’s role as the last-touch device, but finds growth in a reverse pattern: the desktop as the first click and the mobile as the last click.

Looking specifically at Google Shopping cross-device conversions and using same-store data, Sidecar reveals that the number of desktop-to-mobile shopping paths almost tripled year-over-year. Specifically, the path of shoppers beginning the journey on desktop and completing it on mobile jumped by 259%.

By contrast, while the number of mobile-to-desktop journeys also increased, these paths grew by a modest 16%. Read the rest at

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