Smart Speaker Behavior [CHART]

Chart: Smart Speaker Behavior

Shopping may not yet be a mainstream Smart Speaker activity, but there are indications that it’s becoming more widespread. In a new presentation, comScore reveals that 30% of Smart Speaker owners have purchased an item online using their device, and about 1 in 8 (13%) have ordered food or services.

This latest survey was conducted in March of this year, and the figures compare favorably with similar research conducted by comScore in Q1 of 2017, about a year earlier. In that survey, just 11% of Smart Speaker owners reported having ordered a product using their device, and only 8% had ordered food or services.

These latest figures are supported by recent research from TiVo. In its survey of more than 3,000 US and Canadian adults, TiVo found that almost 3 in 10 (28%) Smart Speaker owners used them to make purchases.

As such, it seems fairly reasonable to suggest that roughly one-quarter to one-third of Smart Speaker owners are using them to order items, although it is worth noting that other research has found even higher rates of purchasing activity. Read the rest at

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