Most Effective and Difficult Personalization Tactics [CHART]

Chart: Most Effective and Difficult Personalization Tactics

The most important goal of a data-driven marketing strategy is to personalize the customer experience, with this of far greater importance than customer acquisition or measuring ROI, according to the latest study from Ascend2 and its Research Partners. Luckily, with marketers confident in their data-driven strategies, few feel that personalizing the customer experience is a significant barrier.

Instead, integrating data across platforms and enriching data quality and completeness are considered more significant barriers to data-driven marketing success, per the 229 respondents.

However, various personalization tactics differ in both perceived effectiveness and difficulty, per the report’s findings. The most effective data-driven personalization tactic is email message personalization, cited by 47%. Indeed, increased personalization ranks as the leading method by which US companies feel they can improve email interaction among subscribers, according to recent Experian Data Quality research. Read the rest at

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