US Tablet Users By Race/Ethnicity, 2013-2018 [TABLE]

US Tablet Users By Race/Ethnicity, 2013-2018 [TABLE]

US Hispanics will have the highest tablet penetration rate of any race or ethnicity through at least 2018. This year, 28.1 million Hispanics—19.1% of all US tablet users—will use tablets, representing more than half of the entire Hispanic population and 70.9% of Hispanic internet users. This group will also post the highest gains of any race or ethnicity this year, with a 14.9% growth rate.

Teens ages 12 to 17 and adults ages 35 to 44 will be the most likely to use tablets. Approximately 60% of people in these age groups will use such a device regularly in 2014. Tablet usage will also be higher than average for those 18 to 34. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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