Why Agency Planners Don't Recommend Place-Based Media, 2013 vs 2014 [TABLE]

Why Agency Planners Don't Recommend Place-Based Media, 2013 vs 2014 [TABLE]

The DPAA found that measurement issues were preventing higher digital place-based media usage.

Unproven return on investment was the No. 1 reason agency planners didn’t recommend using digital place-based media, cited by 33.7% of respondents. Lack of audience metrics was the second most popular reason for not including DPB media in plans. A similar percentage also said that the strategy just wasn’t a good fit with their communication goals, and around one-quarter didn’t know enough about DPB media to recommend it—indicating a need for more education around the tactic. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
