Brand Activity & Media Buying On YouTube, April 2014 [TABLE]

Brand Activity & Media Buying On YouTube, April 2014 [TABLE]

The top 500 non-entertainment brands on YouTube have more than doubled their average subscriber base year-over-year, from 37,000 to 82,000, according to Outrigger Media’s report. However, on average, these brands require almost 750 views per new subscriber, versus around 200 for the most successful content channels. Google accounts for a leading 24 of the top 500 channels, followed by Samsung (17). Meanwhile, a concurrent survey of individuals (almost all employed by agencies) involved in planning or buying of YouTube media over the past year finds that 41% plan to increase their spending. Just 1 in 5 consider subscriber growth a KPI when buying media on YouTube, though. Source: OpenSlate

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