Affluent Smart Phone Owners' Mobile Use, February 2014 [TABLE]

Table - Affluent Smart Phone Owners' Mobile Use

A study from BBC World News and indicates that in some respects, affluent smartphone owners are heavier users of their devices than the typical smartphone owner, particular when it comes to news consumption. The survey – of 6,000 smartphone owners across Australia, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Sweden and the US – found that 39% of affluent respondents access the internet on their device at least once an hour, 18% higher than the rest of the respondents.

What’s more, 51% of affluent smartphone owners use their device for business, compared to 40% of the rest of the sample. (Affluents refers to those respondents in the highest 20% of income earners in each country. From hereon out, the “rest of the respondents” will be referred to as “general population” respondents or “mere common folk.”) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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