Americans' Preference For Trying New Brands & Products, July 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Americans' Preference For Trying New Brands & Products

Asked whether they like to try new brands and products or prefer to stick with the ones they know, 55% of Americans chose the former, according to newly-released survey results from Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange. But that top-level figure masks a fairly marked difference in gender attitudes: men actually slightly prefer to stick with known brands (53%), while women clearly favor trying out new brands and products (62%).

Those results appear to support recent findings from a separate Ipsos study, in which women were more likely to describe themselves as “open to a variety of new brands” than men.

The study also demonstrates a significant gap in perceptions when sorting by age. Whereas 63% of American respondents aged under 35 described themselves as enjoying trying out new brands and products rather than sticking with known ones, that figure dropped to 53% among the 35-49 group and into the minority (47%) among those aged 50 to 64. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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