US Radio Revenues, Q1 2013 [TABLE]

Table - US Radio Revenues

Americans might be listening to more radio, but radio’s advertising revenues aren’t going anywhere, at least for the time being. In Q1, total expenditures were flat, at $3.5 billion, according to [PDF] the latest revenue report from the Radio Advertising Bureau, which excludes network radio data due to incomplete information. Healthy growth in digital (9%) and off-air (5%) helped offset a sluggish quarter for spot, which was down 2% from Q1 2012. While remaining the smallest segment, at $179 million in revenues, digital’s growth means that it now exceeds 5% share of total radio revenues.

Spot’s slight dip in Q1 didn’t mean that some sectors didn’t invest heavily. In fact, spot spending by the communications and cellular sector grew by 36% year-over-year, vaulting it into the position of top-spending category. The 36% rise was fueled by a 122% spending hike by AT&T and a more than 1300-fold increase by Sprint. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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