Top 10 Advertising Sectors In 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Top 10 Advertising Sectors In 2012

The retail industry spent the most on advertising again last year, according to new figures from Kantar Media. At roughly $16.3 billion – up 3% from $15.9 billion in 2011 – the retail sector accounted for more than 11% of total US ad spend (excluding FSI/PSA). Given that Kantar Media only measures display advertising for its online figures, and that the retail industry is the biggest spender in overall online advertising, it’s possible that the Kantar figures actually underestimate retail’s contribution to US advertising.

Behind retail, auto took the second spot with $14.8 billion in ad spend, with its 7% year-over-year growth the most rapid of the top 10 advertising industries. Auto’s ad spend growth slowed as the year went on, though, gaining most in Q1 (23%), and falling to 2% growth in Q4. While manufacturers outspent dealers ($8.9 billion vs. $6 billion), the latter posted the faster growth rate (14% vs. 3%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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