How Mobile Affects Local Marketing Mix [CHART]

Chart - How Mobile Affects Local Marketing Mix

While many brands and retailers have a vague understanding of the importance of localizing their marketing efforts, they simply aren’t doing it effectively — if at all. That’s according to a new survey and report entitled “Brand Automation for Location Activation.”

The report was written by the CMO Council and commissioned by Balihoo, which offers local marketing automation for national advertisers.

Perhaps the most surprising (even shocking) finding is the failure of these brand and agency respondents to connect mobile to local or to see mobile as a key part of a localization strategy. Indeed, the majority of survey respondents don’t connect mobile and local. Read the rest at MarketingLand.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
