2013 Digital Marketing Budget Plans [CHART]

Chart - 2013 Digital Marketing Budget Plans

Add it to the list of research heralding the increasing priority of content marketing. This latest piece of research, from Econsultancy and Responsys, finds that 70% of company marketers – who hail mostly from the UK (46%) and other European countries (19%) – plan to increase their content marketing budgets this year, while another 29% will keep them at current levels. Content marketing edges SEO (65%) and email marketing for engagement/retention (also 65%) as the most popular digital channel tabbed for a budget increase.

Other digital channels and disciplines to get a budget hike this year include social media investment (for engagement/retention – 62%), mobile marketing (for acquisition – 61%), and social media investment (for acquisition – 61%). In fact, across the 15 digital marketing channels and disciplines identified, a majority of respondents intend to increase their budgets in 12. The only areas not to see a majority are online display advertising (for acquisition – 49% increasing; for engagement/retention – 43% increasing) and affiliate marketing (49% increasing). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
