American Racial/Ethnic Backgrounds By Generation, November 2012 [CHART]

Chart - American Racial/Ethnic Backgrounds By Generation

Millennials (aged 18-29) in the US have diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds, and are concentrated in cities with large Hispanic populations, according to a new report from Scarborough Research. Heritage doesn’t just matter to American Millennials, though: around the world, this generation shows pride in national traditions, along with a strong sense of tolerance and openness towards other cultures.

Looking at the US, Scarborough finds that 43% of Millennials identify as Hispanic (21%), black/African American (13%), Asian, or of other race or ethnicity (9%). That compares to 38% of Generation X adults (aged 30-44), and 26% of Baby Boomers (aged 45-64). In particular, Millennials are 49% more likely than average to be Hispanic. That’s a big reason why Millennials are highly concentrated in cities like Bakersfield, CA (34% more than in measured markets overall), El Paso, TX (31% more), and Fresno, CA (21% more). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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