B2B Email Metrics By Subject Line Terms, November 2012 [CHART]

Chart - B2B Email Metrics By Subject Line Terms

B2B email marketers: writing a business-themed email? Use terms such as “money,” “revenue,” and “profit” in the subject line, and avoid words such as “ROI,” “asset,” and “industry.” That’s one of many takeaways from a new report by Adestra, which analyzed almost 1.2 billion B2B emails sent within the past 12 months. The study examines performance metrics across a number of subject line themes – including discount, news, and content – and also looks at subject line length and personalization.

This latest study from Adestra follows from its July 2012 report, which was not limited to the B2B sector. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
