Pre-Shopping Media By Reach, September 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Pre-Shopping Media By Reach

AM/FM radio delivers the largest reach of any medium before the peak shopping hour of 1PM – 2PM, find Arbitron and MBI Touchpoints in a September 2012 report. AM/FM radio reaches 31% of American consumers aged 25-54 in the hour before that peak shopping time, which is considerably higher than next-in-line live TV (17%), the internet (8%), social networking and mobile and web apps (both at 3%) and print media (1%). 40% of Americans aged 25-54 listen to AM/FM radio in the 2 hours before the peak shopping hour, 37% in the 90 minutes prior, and 22% in the final half hour before that peak shopping period, as data from “Where Radio Fits: Radio’s Strengths in the Media Landscape” reveals.

The study does not examine exposure to outdoor advertising, though. According to a May 2012 report from the Outdoor Advertising Association of America and the Media Behavior Institute, adding out-of-home (OOH) advertising formats to other media can significantly boost a campaign’s reach throughout the day. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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