How African Americans React To Internet Radio Ads [CHART]

Chart - How African Americans React To Internet Radio Ads

African American internet radio listeners show higher response rates to digital audio ads when compared with the general population listening sample, according to an August 2012 study from TargetSpot, conducted by Parks Associates. 59% of African American listeners recalled having seen or heard an internet radio ad in the prior month, and 56% responded to an ad in some way, compared with 58% recall and 44% response for the general population. 28% of African American radio listeners reported responding to an ad by visiting a company’s website, while 24% said they responded by searching online for more information about a product or service. 19% clicked on the ad, 12% visited a retail location to make a purchase, 11% sent an email or text to the company, and 8% called the company for more information. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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