An Ode To Digg (And Its Supporting Online Campaign)

loves to Digg.

  Two Weeks For Kina 
  Originally uploaded by kasuya

She loves to Digg so much, in fact, that she’s written a very clever and catchy song about her Digg love. Clearly, Kina’s not alone.

But she’s taken it another step by entering her song, Gotta Digg, in the . The grand prize winner gets their music video aired during the Super Bowl and gets a recording contract with .

[UPDATE: Two kind readers have helpfully pointed out (see the comments below) that Grannis entered another song to the contest, not Gotta Digg.

I’m a bit disappointed because I really like Gotta Digg, but the fact that she composed that song for her online campaign only makes the campaign itself all the more brilliant!]

Kina’s clearly got some marketing savvy in her corner because she’s running a pretty sophisticated online campaign to solicit votes for her video.

In addition to asking for votes at (which is very professionally done, by the way), she has a separate web site for the contest itself: . It is this site that she promotes from her and , where she has 2,820 friends and , where she has 850 friends.

She’s hosting her at , where, as of this writing, her 93 contest campaign photos have been viewed more than 900 times. Her only slip at Flickr is that she’s wearing a . Oops.

Naturally, her video five times and, as of this writing, has been Dugg 10,734 times.

As of this writing, since Grannis uploaded her Gotta Digg music video to her YouTube account on December 23, the video has been viewed 124,234 times, boasts four out of five stars from 1,438 raters, has been marked as a favorite video by 729 YouTube users, and received 462 comments.

Those numbers are not surprising because the video is number 3 on YouTube’s Top Rated Video this week, is the 11th Most Viewed music video this week, and the 42nd Most Responded to video today.

As of this writing, Google Blog Search lists 267 blog posts citing “gotta digg,” most of them posted within the past 24 hours. That’s pretty remarkable, considering the time period is Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. , meanwhile, lists only 18 posts within it’s universe of registered blogs, but among those are highly influential blogs like , and . These posts are likely to inspire many more posts about the video down the long tail.

Kina Grannis is either one Internet savvy kid or she’s got some very smart online marketers working on her behalf. Regardless, I would not be surprised at all to see her win the contest.

Oh, yeah; here’s the video:

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