US Television Ad Spending vs. Audience Growth, Q1 2011 – Q4 2012 [CHART]

Chart - US Television Ad Spending vs. Audience Growth

TV is maintaining its stronghold in the ad market. That spending (on a like-for-like basis) continues to rise even as audience size and consumption remain flat or declining speaks to the value advertisers continue to place on TV commercials. Indeed, comparing the figures provided by Kantar Media with Nielsen audience estimates reveals that TV ad spending growth continues to be solid even amidst an apparent saturation in audience size. In fact, as the above chart shows, TV ad spending growth continues to be healthy even as its audience size declines. The size of the TV-viewing population (Americans aged 2 years and older) declined for 6 consecutive quarters – even as TV ad spending growth rates exceeded the media average during each of those quarters. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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