Video Ad View Rates, Q4 2011 – Q4 2012 [TABLE]

Table - Video Ad View Rates

The appetite for online video among US viewers appears far from satiated. According to research from video monetization firm FreeWheel, total video views among internet users in the US were up 23% year over year in Q4 2012. That growth has paralleled an increase in video ad volume, which grew 47% over the same time period, according to FreeWheel. (FreeWheel’s data covers only rights-managed videos, and does not include user-generated content.)

Advertisers seem inclined to pack their ads into longer videos, which are ably bearing the increased load. In Q4 2012, long-form videos—defined as those at least 20 minutes in length—loaded an average of 9.4 video ads, the most in any quarter over the past four years. Advertising dropped sharply to an average of 1.3 ads per video in mid-form content (five to 20 minutes in length). And short-form videos, which are less than five minutes long, averaged only .66 ads per video. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
