Social Media's Purchase Influence, August 2014 [TABLE]

Social Media's Purchase Influence, August 2014 [TABLE]

Just 9% of social networkers claim to have made a purchase by clicking on a social media ad, with that figure higher among men aged 18-34 (21%) and parents (19%), reports Mintel in newly-released data from a recent study. Interestingly, though, social networkers were slightly more likely to say they had purchased a product they saw advertised without clicking an ad, with 11% of respondents professing to having done so. That result suggests that social ads’ influence extends beyond direct conversions. It also brings to mind a study released late last year by ChoiceStream which found that consumers often respond to online ads with actions other than clicks. According to that survey, when consumers see an online ad that interests them, 44% of those who take action say they do so by clicking on the ad, while the remainder say they take a different action, such as searching for the product or company in question or typing in the company’s URL address directly to visit its website. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
