Share Of Email Campaigns Sent By Day Of The Week, January 2014 [CHART]

Share Of Email Campaigns Sent By Day Of The Week, January 2014 [CHART]

Email open rates improved again this year, thanks to consumers’ ever-growing use of mobile devices to manage their inboxes. Yet key benchmarks such as click rate and transaction rate continue to decline. As it gets harder to cut through the inbox clutter, email marketers increasingly seek new ways to upgrade the relevancy of their communications, according to a new eMarketer report, “Email Benchmarks 2014: Richer Data, Mobile Optimization Crucial for Greater Relevancy.”

The majority of marketers opt to send emails during the week, but marketers switching their send day to Saturday could see higher open rates and average order sizes.

Thursdays saw the highest volume of US email sends in January 2014, according to marketing analytics and competitive intelligence firm TrackMaven. Tuesdays and Wednesdays were equally busy, while both Saturday and Sunday saw the lightest volume. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
