Mobile Advertisers' Use Of Geo-Precise Targeting Techniques, Q2 2012 – Q2 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Mobile Advertisers' Use Of Geo-Precise Targeting Techniques

90% of national brand advertising campaigns employed geo-precise targeting (targeting areas that do not conform to standard geo-boundaries) in Q2, according to the latest quarterly report from xAd. While the study notes that these types of techniques are typically more popular during Q2 and Q4, the percentage of campaigns using them in Q2 represented a new high, up from 81% in Q4 2012 and 64% in Q2 2012.

The researchers highlight what appears to be a growing use of “geo-conquesting,” which they describe as “a form of geo-precise targeting leveraging a user’s current or past competitor visitation behaviors to target ads.” A popular use case is targeting a mobile user while they are near a target competitor, while another form targets users who have visited a competitor’s location in the past. Read the rest MarketingCharts.

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