Smart Phone Shopping Activities, Q1 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Smart Phone Shopping Activities

Recent data from comScore illustrated the types of items that are most commonly purchased by smartphone and tablet owners. New research from Nielsen gets in on the act, revealing the most common activities performed by mobile shoppers. While there are some predictable findings (such as smartphone owners more likely to perform on-the-go activities), it’s useful to see the various ways in which these devices are being leveraged during the shopping journey.

The most common activity (of those identified) among smartphone shoppers in Q1, per the study, was using a store locator (70%). Not far behind, 56% checked prices, while 54% researched items before buying. Around 4 in 10 read reviews of recent/future purchases (39%) and used lists while shopping (37%), while 24% actually purchased an item on their device. 1 in 5 used social media to comment on a purchase, and 9% wrote a review of a purchase. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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