In-App vs. Web Mobile Ad Click Rates, May 2013 [CHART]

Chart - In-App vs. Web Mobile Ad Click Rates

Mobile ads served within applications tend to see higher click-through rates (CTRs) than those served on the mobile web, according to an Opera analysis of 378 campaigns running in the US during May. Looking first at rich media ads, the report shows that users were about 37% more likely to click on an in-app ad than on a mobile web ad (1.53% vs. 1.12%). The gap was slightly less pronounced for standard banners, with in-app ads averaging a 0.39% CTR, about 22% higher than the 0.32% seen by mobile web ads.

Overall, in-app ads had a click rate roughly 71% higher than mobile web ads (0.58% vs. 0.34%). While they tended to be more engaging, in-app ads represented a minority 42% of campaigns and 44% of impressions. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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