Brand Engagement Perceptions: Consumers vs. Marketers, November 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Brand Engagement Perceptions: Consumers vs. Marketers

Marketers may be out of touch with how consumers feel about their engagement with brands, according to  November 2012 survey results from Turn, conducted by Forbes Insights. For example, 49% of marketers rate forwards or shares of ads or other content online as a strong influence on their engagement measures, but just 15% of consumers say they feel engaged or invested in a brand when they share an ad.

Data from “The New Rules of engagement: Measuring the Power of Social Currency” reveals that there are numerous similar instances of disconnect between what marketers measure and what consumers feel is important. One that stands out relates to brand recommendations. 45% of marketers say that consumers’ proactive efforts to recommend a brand is a strong measure of engagement for them. But, just 24% of consumers report feeling invested in a brand when they convince others to use it. The only measure in which both groups agree concerns opt-in messaging. For marketers, subscribers to email alerts, newsletters, or other loyalty programs topped the list of strongly influential engagement measures. At the same time, signing up for special deals or email updates ranked as the top way that consumers feel engaged with brands. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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